There are various treatment plans used at the rehabilitation centers. The treatment plans and therapies are all customized according to individual patient requirements.
A treatment plan is developed and reviewed with the team of experts to address each patient's needs. The treatment plan may include : -
Manual Therapy
Manual Therapy encompasses the treatment of muscular ailments of various etiologies through 'hands-on', physical intervention.This form of physical treatment usually refers to hands-on techniques and includes : -
- Soft tissue mobilization
- Various connective tissue techniques
- Myofascial release
- Craniosacral techniques
- Movement with Mobilization
- Joint manipulation
- Mobilization of neural tissue
- Visceral mobilization
- Strain and counter strain
- Integrative Manual Therapy
Neuro Development treatment- Bobath technique
Neuro development treatment aims to inhibit spasticity and synergies using inhibitory postures and movements and to facilitate normal autonomic responses that are involved in voluntary movement.Neuro Developmental Treatment is a program that is developed by Dr ( Mrs) Bobath. This technique has been in practice for over 50 years. It involves the treatment and management of individuals with movement dysfunction.
The overall goal of treatment or management is to enhance the individual's capacity to function. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to address quality of movement by utilizing principles of movement sciences. The treatment process includes the gradual withdrawal of the direct input of the practitioner leading to increased independence.
Alexander Technique
The Alexander Technique is a method that works to change (movement) habits in our everyday activities. It is a simple and practical method for improving ease and freedom of movement balance support and coordination. The technique teaches the use of the appropriate amount of effort for a particular activity giving you more energy for all your activities. It is not a series of treatments or exercises but rather a re education of the mind and body. The Alexander Technique is a method which helps a person discover a new balance in the body by releasing unnecessary tension. It can be applied to sitting lying down standing walking lifting and other daily activities.Brain Gym
Brain Gym is a system that uses simple movements to stimulate brain function. It uses quick easy-to-do developmental movements to wake up the brain without stress or injury.Children naturally explore these movements as they grow and mature. However under tension children learn to rely too much on one cerebral hemisphere of the brain alone instead of two sides together placing unnecessary and stressful demands upon the whole physiology.
Educator Paul E. Dennison Ph.D. a pioneer in the field of learning through movement and the creator of the Brain Gym program calls this the "switched off" state.
Children who have special needs "switch off" more frequently than the average child. Perhaps the stress from neurological damage or simply a more sensitive nervous system creates a need for movements such as Brain Gym as well as skills of coordination. The intention behind the Brain Gym is to stimulate the brain so that the child has equal access to all dimensions of the brain.
Rolfing involves the manipultion of the soft tissues or myofacial system to allow for proper alignment and organization of the whole body in gravity. It helps loosen up spastic muscles and smoothes out gait patterns and helps keep the spine alignment.Vojta Therapy
Vojta therapy (reflex locomotion) is a highly specialized type of physical therapy that is designed to primarily enhance the motor development of a child. The treatment has added benefits of improvements in cognition fine motor breathing and digestion. The method which is developed by Dr. Vaclav Vojta a pediatric neurologist is still being improved upon.It is based on responses and reflexes to specific stimuli provoking muscle chain reactions as they appear in a typical child's motor development. The treatment encourages those responses through specific positions and pressures applied.
Muscle Re-education Approach
Ultimate goal of this approach is the development of co-ordinated movement patterns training begin with learning the control of individual muscles on a cognitive level.Knott and Voss’ PNF Approach
Relies on quick stretch and manual resistance of muscle activation of the limbs in functional directions which are often spiral or diagonal.Roods Sensorimotor Approach
Involves superficial cutaneous stimulation using stroking brushing icing or muscle stimulation with vibration to evoke voluntary activation.INTERVENTIONAL PAIN TREATMENT
This includes : -Therapeutic nerve blocks - local anesthetic injections given near a specific nerve or group of nerves to relieve pain.
Intercostal nerve block - An intercostal nerve block is an injection of a local anesthetic in the area between two ribs. An intercostal nerve block is performed for pain due to herpes zoster (commonly known as shingles), an acute viral infection that causes inflammation of the nerves that spread outward from the spine. It may also be performed for pain caused from surgical incision in the chest area or to help determine the cause of your pain. (diagnostic nerve block)
Lumbar Sympathetic Block - A lumbar sympathetic block is an injection of local anesthetic around a group of nerves in your lower back. It may be done if you have reflex sympathetic dystrophy, (RSD), a disease involving a disturbance of circulation to the skin or neuropathic pain. (Pain caused by a disorder of the nervous system)
Facet Nerve Block - perfomed if your doctor suspects that your neck or lower back pain may be caused in part by the small facet joints of the spine. Facet joints are located on the side of your spine, away from the spinal cord.
Celiac Plexus Block - performed most commonly for the treatment of upper abdominal pain, which can be due to cancer or chronic pancreatitis
Stellate Ganglion Block - may be performed to decrease pain and increase the circulation and blood supply to the affected limb. A stellate ganglion may be performed for people who have circulation problems or the following nerve injuries: Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy, Causalgia, Herpes Zoster and Phantom Limb Pain
Trigger point injections - Injections of small amounts of local anesthetics and steroids in the area of the muscle where you have pain or tenderness. These areas are called trigger points because, when stimulated, they produce pain. Trigger Point Injections are performed if you have myofascial pain, which is pain in a specific muscle or muscle group.
Spinal drug delivery systems - a computerized pump that delivers opiates, local anesthetics and other pain medication continuously into the spine to control intractable pain. Also, this infusion system can be used to relieve intractable spasticity secondary to diseases like multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, stroke or spinal cord injuries.
Spinal cord stimulation - a small implantable device that stimulates the spinal cord to treat pain and improve circulation.
Spinal endoscopy - a small fiberoptic scope used to evaluate the spinal nerve roots and administer medications.
Intradiscal electrothermal therapy - to treat chronic pain originating from the Intervertebral discs. A minimally invasive treatment in which a physician applies controlled levels of heat to a broad section of the affected disc wall. The heat contracts and thickens the collagen of the disc wall and raises the temperature of the nerve endings. Therapy may result in contraction or closure of the disc wall fissures, a reduction in the bulge of the inner disc material and a desensitization of the pain sensors within the disc. It is important for your referring physicain to diagnose that a disc is a primary source of your back pain. In addition to a clinical examination, your physician may use magnetic resonance imaging, (MRI) or injection of dye in the disc (discography) to confirm the diagnosis.
TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation) - a small extractable device that delivers electric impulses to nerve endings to stop pain.
Acupuncture - a medical practice which involves inserting fine needles into the skin at specific poins on the body to relieve chronic pain.
Bioelectric treatment - a precise dose of bioelectric currents (electroceuticals), is administered through electrodes placed on the skin to cause a biological change and interrupt pain signals. It can treat chronic and acute pain conditions including complex regional pain syndrome, back pain, muscle pain and headaches.
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