I am happy to say that I have undergone a successful in vitro procedure. However, I have some confusion as to calculating my due date. The oocytes were fertilized on June 23, and the transfer done on June 25. The OB/GYN that I transferred to uses a "wheel" to determine due dates as with a traditional pregnancy. This method puts me two weeks ahead of just adding up the weeks from the transfer. Can you help?
Answer :
Did you know that the way doctors count, you were already two weeks pregnant when you underwent oocyte (egg) retrieval? Here is how that happens. Regardless of how you got pregnant, your estimated due date is calculated as 40 weeks from the onset of your last menstrual period, or 38 weeks from ovulation or egg retrieval. As such, you ovulate at gestational age of two weeks and your pregnancy test occurs at about four weeks of gestation. So if your doctor set the date of retrieval to the two-week mark on the wheel, you likely have the correct due date. It seems like your baby will have a birthday a bit earlier than you expected! I hope the remainder of your pregnancy goes well.
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