The Human Egg Freezing Program in India
New advances in India in the ability to successfully cryopreserve (freeze) human eggs has led to new work aimed at allowing for further advances in our ability to freeze and store such human eggs. World renowed scientists, physicians and cryobiologists have come together at the Fertility Institutes to offer patients with a variety of medical indications the ability to preserve their unfertilized eggs in a frozen state. Such frozen storage allows women the opportunity to potentially preserve their fertility by suspending their eggs in time, potentially allowing the fertility potential of the human egg to be freed of the hardships and decline in fertility that the natural aging process causes. We also offer those women in need of donor eggs the choice of frozen and available prescreened frozen eggs donated by young, volunteer University students.
For those in need of donor eggs, it is our hope that this new process will eliminate the concern over donor availability by obtaining and freezing a large selection of donor eggs from highly qualified university donors. Such cryopreservation additionally adds to the safety of egg donation. for young women seeking to guard and extend their fertility, egg freezing offers perhaps the greatest advance in fertility preservation in the history of modern medicine.
Frequentely Asked Questions about Egg Freezing
Q.I am in a hurry to begin the egg freezing procedure. How soon can I begin the program ?
It is suggested that all patients enroll as soon as they are certain of their desire to freeze their eggs and provide us their preferred treatment month. We will do everything possible to accommodate scheduling needs.
Q.Is there any way to know in advance if the eggs will survive the freezing process ?
Studies have shown that there is tremendous variability in the ability of eggs to tolerate the freezing process. They have also shown that within a single group of eggs frozen, some will survive and others will not. In those that do survive the freeze and later thaw, some will fertilize when exposed to sperm and others will not. We are working very hard to minimize the variability in responses seen in individual patients and their eggs. The prior survival and fertilization of eggs is a good predictor of subsequent performance as long as a long lapse between procedures (and an increase in the age of the patient) has not occurred.
Q.What is the optimal number of eggs needed to be frozen ?
The experience thus far with frozen eggs indicates that there can never be "too many" eggs frozen in the pursuit of pregnancy delay. An important lesson learned from the success with frozen eggs is that it is best to be prepared to encounter a percentage of eggs obtained from an egg harvest either not suitable for freezing or unable to survive the treatment of the eggs necessary to assure their long-term survival while frozen. We highly recommend at least two to four stimulation cycles to allow for a sizeable number of oocytes to be gathered and frozen.
Q.How are the eggs obtained ?
Once ready for harvest, your eggs will be collected at our partner centre. Egg recovery is very similar to the methods we use to obtain eggs for standard in vitro fertilization. You will be administered a light sedative and will have the eggs recovered through the vagina employing a small, very accurate ultrasound guide that will allow the Doctor to gently drain the follicles containing your eggs. The procedure lasts about 20-30 minutes. You will remain in the recovery area for about an additional one hour or until the Doctor clears you for discharge. You will need to take things easy for about 2 weeks, though most people return to their regular activities a day or two after the procedure.
Q.Where will the eggs be stored ?
Immediately after they are frozen, your eggs will be placed into one of liquid nitrogen storage containers for safe-keeping as transport to a long term storage facility can be arranged. Due to the high volume of eggs are being frozen, your eggs may be transferred to a long term cryobank storage facility. These facilities are licensed and have all the mechanisms in place to assure the safe long-term cryopreservation of your eggs. Should you later wish to have your eggs shipped frozen to an alternate facility, the cryobank is prepared to assist you with this. You will be provided with the paperwork needed to assist you in arranging for the transport of your eggs.
Q.How long can the eggs be stored ?
This question has not yet been answered. Animal studies indicate that, in some instances the viability of frozen eggs may decrease over time. Human egg freezing is relatively new. This is one of the important questions that needs to be answered. Frozen eggs will clearly remain viable for months, and in the case of eggs from younger women, years.
Frozen human sperm have been shown to remain viable and capable of producing healthy pregnancies for decades. We encourage all women freezing eggs to place the use of their frozen eggs in the future on a very high priority schedule as we, at this time, simply do not know how long frozen eggs will maintain their ability to produce a healthy pregnancy outcome.
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(Only for international patients seeking treatment in India)